Pet Behavior Health Screening
added to Veterinary Care
1. PET HAPPINESS RATING (0-100) compared to all other pets in the database. (90% Happiness = 10% Potential Stress).
2. HUMAN HAPPINESS RATING: with the pet today
3. PET PERSONALITY GRAPH: Pet's Genetic-Based Behavioral Tendencies
4. PET POTENTIAL HAPPINESS: Suspected behavioral tendencies indicating sources of pet stress that if resolved raise the Happiness Ratings.
5. HUMAN HAPPINESS GRAPH: Activities enjoyed with the pet.
6. PET PARENTING BASICS PLAN: Pet Profiles, Special Considerations, Medical Suggestions, Study Suggestions, Training Suggestions, Product Suggestions.
PsyMed is the science linking pet psychological stress (Psy) and medical symptoms (Med) in the skin, bladder, colon, and stomach such as frequent small urination, itchy skin, loose stool, and vomiting.
PetTelligence AI brings new Pet Behavioral Health Services to Veterinary Businesses, Behaviorists, and Trainers and supports a team approach to Behavior Case Management.